The Argentine cadastral regulatory framework and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Argentine cadastral regulatory framework and the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Cristian Ignacio Bevacqua Facultad de Tecnología y Cs. Apl. - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca


One of the United Nations documents, which acts as a guide to improve land management, is the Framework for Effective Land Administration. It includes aspects related to  territorial cadastre, property registration, urban planning, land valuation, etc.

Currently, there is a need to document, record and recognize relationships between people and territory. That kind of actions are essential to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals set forth in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.

Territorial Cadastres are an essential tool in any land administration system, laying down one of the fundamental pillars in the registration of the complex network of rights and restrictions relating human beings with the environment they inhabit.

Also at international level, the International Federation of Surveyors has developed and passed a vision statement for the development of cadastral systems, known as "Cadastre 2014". The document defines the term "legal territorial objects" and recommends their registration in cadastral systems.

In Argentina, the guidelines provided by said document, have been incorporated by the National Cadastre Act No. 26,209, passed in January 2007.

 This work aims at analyzing if the Territorial Cadastre of Argentina has a national regulatory framework strong enough so as to generate the required information for land effective administration and the implementation of policies devised to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


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How to Cite
BevacquaC. I. (2023). The Argentine cadastral regulatory framework and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Argentine cadastral regulatory framework and the Sustainable Development Goals. Investigación Ciencia y Universidad, 7(9), 44-50.