Access to justice and gender perspective in vulnerable social sectors of the Uco Valley, Mendoza

Access to justice and gender perspective in vulnerable social sectors of the Uco Valley, Mendoza

  • Rubén Alberto Ippoliti Universidad Champagnat. Sede Valle de Uco. Facultad de Abogacía; Argentina
  • Diego Olaiz Universidad Champagnat. Sede Valle de Uco. Facultad de Abogacía; Argentina
  • Marcos Garcia Universidad Champagnat. Sede Valle de Uco. Facultad de Abogacía; Argentina
  • Dolores Godoy Universidad Champagnat. Sede Valle de Uco. Facultad de Abogacía; Argentina
  • Rocío Lorenzo Universidad Champagnat. Sede Valle de Uco. Facultad de Abogacía; Argentina


The Uco Valley area in the Province of Mendoza covers three departments: Tupungato, San Carlos and Tunuyán. The intention of this article is to analyze the access to justice that the sectors we call “vulnerable” have, such as: the elderly, young people, sexual minorities, people with limited economic resources, informal workers and women. , among many others. In this last case and given the advances in Argentine legislation, we believe that the gender perspective inherently contains a vulnerability that is important to focus on to see if legal progress has its correlation in the action of providing justice to the person who suffers violence. gender. The research design is descriptive. The documentary analysis technique was used and surveys were carried out (with closed and open questions depending on the variables and hypotheses) and interviews with people who work in sectors linked to situations of vulnerability. There is a very big contrast between the legal framework for the recognition of rights and the knowledge, awareness and ability to make claims that vulnerable sectors have, with the most unprotected people being those who identify with the trans gender. We must recognize that there is a long way to go and that the need to educate on the regulatory framework and access to it throughout the region is pressing.


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How to Cite
IppolitiR. A., OlaizD., GarciaM., GodoyD., & LorenzoR. (2025). Access to justice and gender perspective in vulnerable social sectors of the Uco Valley, Mendoza: Access to justice and gender perspective in vulnerable social sectors of the Uco Valley, Mendoza. Investigación Ciencia y Universidad, 8(12), 46-57.