The narrative documentation of teaching practices as a modality of inquiry and pedagogical action

The narrative documentation of teaching practices as a modality of inquiry and pedagogical action

  • Patricia Grippo Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • María Alejandra Gatto D'Andrea Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Guillermo Alejandro Gallardo Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029. Universidad Juan Agustín Maza. Observatorio de Educación Superior; Argentina
  • José Francisco Merciel Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Valeria Bustos Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Federico Caballero Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Exequiel Mobio Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Fabiana Del Pace Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Cecilia Almonacid Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Daniel García Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Agustina Dalla Torre Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Antonela Romero Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • María de las Mercedes Segura Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
  • Claudia Navarrete Instituto de Educación Superior N° 9-029; Argentina
Keywords: Teaching practices, narrative documentation, inquiry and pedagogical action.


The narrative documentation of teaching practices is based on the theoretical and methodological contributions of interpretative research in the social sciences, and aims to describe in a rich and dense way the educational practices, the subjects who carry them out and how they interpret that world of life in which that they are situated

That is why this research project set out to investigate the "distances" between the ideal discourses and the pedagogical discourses felt and lived by their protagonists, taking into account the knowledge and words that educators use to make sense of their practices. teaching.

That is why the initial question focuses on inquiring about what meanings and meanings teachers and students produce when they analyze their educational practices.

The methodological framework corresponds to interpretive research. It focuses on the individual and collective elaboration of pedagogical stories and interpretive texts that are oriented to discover the ways of naming what happens in school spaces and what happens to teachers and students when they travel through them.

By recovering the voices and words of teachers and students, sometimes silenced, disqualified or misrepresented by expert knowledge and orthodox researchers, it is possible to build knowledge that shows the ideological anchors of teachers' teaching practices and that, at the same time, time, be oriented to their transformative action.

The interviews with teachers and the pedagogical narratives with students of the Primary Education Teachers traced a path of meetings around the sensitizations that are experienced in the educational act. A distinction can be made between those aspects that have an impact on the relationship with the personal, institutional and social plane.


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How to Cite
GrippoP., Gatto D’AndreaM. A., GallardoG. A., MercielJ. F., BustosV., CaballeroF., MobioE., Del PaceF., AlmonacidC., GarcíaD., Dalla TorreA., RomeroA., SeguraM. de las M., & NavarreteC. (2024). The narrative documentation of teaching practices as a modality of inquiry and pedagogical action: The narrative documentation of teaching practices as a modality of inquiry and pedagogical action. Investigación Ciencia y Universidad, 8(11), 35-40.