Estudio comparado con perspectiva de género en la universidad. Caso Instituto Universitario River Plate (IURP) y el Sistema Universitario Nacional Argentino (2023)

Comparative study with gender perspective in the university. Case of the River Plate University Institute (IURP) and the Argentine National University System (2023)

  • Liliana Ghersi Instituto Universitario River Plate. Departamento de Economía y Administración del Deporte. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina
  • Carolina Cortez Schall Instituto Universitario River Plate. Departamento de Educación y Deporte. Universidad Juan Agustín Maza. Facultad de Educación; Argentina
  • Virginia Monasterio Instituto Universitario River Plate. Departamento de Educación y Deporte; Argentina
Keywords: Distributions; Probability; Indicators; Tests.


The academic profession can be characterized as a "Key profession" or profession of professions, since it rethinks itself by continuously reformulating itself and at the same time, is responsible for training and strengthening the set of all professions

It is therefore appropriate to take the gender dimension as an object of study in this broad and profuse activity, both at the national level and in the particular, institution. It is therefore considered appropriate to inquire statistically about the existence of concordances and / or differences between the population distributions between both areas, either descriptively or hypothetically. The work is framed in a mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology, for the integral and exhaustive approach with a gender perspective on the university system and the improvement in the quality of the system of the high house of studies IURP. Through the collection of data through academic administrative systems, it was sought to obtain a basis for statistical analysis, which collaborates with the understanding of gender problems in the university, transcendent in the professional and social world.

If divergences are verified, from the process of the information obtained, human resources policies will be projected, in order to reduce the distances between the metrics applied, focusing on gender equality and the economic integration of women without underestimating their enormous potential in terms of their intellectual and teaching capacities.


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How to Cite
GhersiL., Cortez SchallC., & MonasterioV. (2024). Estudio comparado con perspectiva de género en la universidad. Caso Instituto Universitario River Plate (IURP) y el Sistema Universitario Nacional Argentino (2023): Comparative study with gender perspective in the university. Case of the River Plate University Institute (IURP) and the Argentine National University System (2023). Investigación Ciencia y Universidad, 8(11), 23-34.